Gideon Haigh - 2013 Salon des Refuses
An independent journalist, Gideon was born in London, went to school in Geelong, and now lives in Melbourne.
He writes about cricket for The Australian and The Times; as well as a selection of selection of topics in which he is interested.
This painting was entered in the 2013 Archibald Prize. Although not selected as part of the final Archibald shortlist, the painting was chosen to be exhibited as part of the Salon des Refusés . The Salon des Refusés was initiated by the S.H. Ervin Gallery in 1992 in response to the large number of works entered into the Archibald Prize not selected for hanging in the official exhibition. The Archibald Prize is one of Australia’s most high profile and respected awards which attracts hundreds of entries each year and the S.H. Ervin Gallery’s ‘alternative’ selection has become a much anticipated feature of the Sydney art scene.

Gideon Haigh